Zonta International New Member Orientation

Are you new to Zonta? Join the Zonta Headquarters Membership Team on this meeting and let us welcome you. We will provide a history of Zonta, the programs we support, resources available to you, and an opportunity to meet with a member of the International Membership Committee. Register online: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckdumhrjMoH9cnjP8hlcRX3j8XFWNyDInB#/registration

Zonta Club of Fort Collins Community Education Event

The Zonta Club of Fort Collins invites you to attend our FREE Zonta Says No Community Education Event on NOV 23rd 9am-noon at Timberline Church auditorium. Our topic is:  Zonta Says No to Violence against women. Join us to hear about what is happening in NOCO and beyond.  We have great speakers, other nonprofits joining […]

Silent Witness March

We will meet outside the Supreme Court Building at 11:45am and carry the silhouettes from there to the Laramie County Library where they will remain on display.

Club Meeting: Christmas Party

Cheyenne Country Club

The cost is $20, which will include hot appetizers. We need 25 people to attend to support that price. Please bring a white elephant (truly something from home and not purchased just for the occasion), wrapped but with no names.

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