Zonta Club of Fort Collins Community Education Event

The Zonta Club of Fort Collins invites you to attend our FREE Zonta Says No Community Education Event on NOV 23rd 9am-noon at Timberline Church auditorium. Our topic is:  Zonta Says No to Violence against women. Join us to hear about what is happening in NOCO and beyond.  We have great speakers, other nonprofits joining […]

Silent Witness March

We will meet outside the Supreme Court Building at 11:45am and carry the silhouettes from there to the Laramie County Library where they will remain on display.

Club Meeting: Christmas Party

Cheyenne Country Club

The cost is $20, which will include hot appetizers. We need 25 people to attend to support that price. Please bring a white elephant (truly something from home and not purchased just for the occasion), wrapped but with no names.

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